What Size Flat Iron Do I Need?

There are many different sizes of flat irons out there, and it is hard to know which one is best for you without doing your research. After reading this article, you will have all the basics and need-to-know details on what size flat iron you are going to need.

size flat irons

If you are looking for luscious flat iron curls, or crisp beach waves, or even pin point straight hair, then we are going to help you figure out which one of these size flat irons is the best for you. (Side note: keep in mind that the temperature on the flat iron is very important depending on if you have thick or thin hair, more important than size.)

Well hopefully you already know what flat iron brand you want to buy from, but now you are wondering what size flat iron do I need? Or, “there are different size flat irons?”

First things first, you need to know what size flat irons are out there.

Let’s start with the basics, like the standard size.

Standard Size Flat Iron

size flat ironsFlat irons usually come in 1 inch thick plate sizes. That means the plate is going to be an inch across, and then probably a couple inches long. This kind of flat iron can be used on every hair type, on any length of hair although it is not necessarily ideal for some hair types. (Like super short hair.) But they are the most basic all purpose hair straightener out there. I personally own a Chi Flat Iron which can be found at Ulta Beauty. If you follow the link, it will lead you to finding your perfect flat iron by putting in what you are searching for.

Smaller For A Reason

Small flat irons are always less than an inch. An inch being the standard size of a flat iron. This means that they usually range around ½ an inch. Smaller than that is basically for babies. Which I do not recommend using a hair straightener on your baby’s hair. I repeat, don’t do that.

Small flat irons are perfect for when you have short hair, and even better for fine hair, as it won’t burn through your hair as quickly if you have it on a higher setting. These flat irons will be able to get close to your scalp without you burning it. If you have short thick hair, not to worry, these small flat irons can get up to very high heats and are able to straighten and curl your hair just like any other flat iron.

This means you will be able to get tiny flat iron curls. How gorgeous is that?

Professionals recommend small flat irons if you are trying to have your hair very precise.

Bigger Does Not Mean Better

The bigger your flat iron the harder it is to carry around with you. Not to mention, this flat iron will be a lot heavier, a lot thicker, and will occupy a lot more space. But it is a necessity for anyone with very thick stubborn hair that just won’t settle down and do what you want it to. If your hair is also very long, then this may be the route to go if you don’t have a lot of time to style your hair. It will be able to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

On the other hand, when you go to style your hair with beautiful curls, this flat iron isn’t going to be able to provide you with nice bouncy curls. They will be very loose and very big. A large flat iron ranges anywhere from slightly bigger than the standard model to 2.5 maybe even 3 inches wide.

Think About The Weight

A lot of people don’t think about this when buying their flat iron, but you need to think about the weight of your flat iron.

If you don’t think about the weight of your flat iron, you may be left with one serious arm workout which will then turn you away from ever using your flat iron again. You don’t want that. So when considering buying a larger flat iron, take into account that the bigger the plate on it, the heavier it is going to be. But! The smaller flat irons are going to be easier to break when you drop them, and that isn’t good either. Be sure to get an iron that has some sort of grip on it, and that is going to feel comfortable in your hands.

What Are You Looking to Achieve In The End?

Are you looking for stylish hair, or are you looking to simply straighten your hair so it isn’t a total poof ball for the rest of the day? Whatever the case may be, make sure you have your goals in mind. Knowing what your goals are for your hair is very important to picking what size flat iron you need.

Now that we have that out of the way, you should really know the answer to these questions:

  • How long is your hair?
  • What is your hair type? (If you don’t know, check out our article on different hair types).
  • How much time do you want to spend on your hair?
  • Do you need your flat iron to do everything? (Curl and straighten?)

Once you know the answer to those questions, you will better be able to understand what flat iron size is for you. Hair can be so complicated sometimes. So back to what we were talking about before.

Small Size Flat Irons:

size flat ironsThese are perfect for if you have short hair, and thin hair. That being said, they are also amazing for styling purposes.


You will be able to achieve tight bouncy curls with a small flat iron. A small flat iron is perfect for pencil curls.


More men are styling their hair, and caring about their appearance and it is so attractive. That being said, since men have short hair and are into styling it: this is the perfect flat iron for you.


Perfect for traveling with, even though airlines have become more strict with what you can carry.


Small flat irons will take up a bit more of your time if you have longer hair, but is time efficient is you have short hair. Because this is a detail oriented flat iron, you are going to want to make sure you have time set aside to work with it.

Standard Size Flat Irons:

Your most basic flat iron. Perfect for all hair types and lengths.


Perfect for up-dos, half up half down hairstyles, or just regular ol’ beach waves.


If you are looking for a flat iron for styling purposes, than this isn’t really going to be the one for you. But if you have longer hair than most men, then by all means get this flat iron.


If you have longer hair and travel a lot, this is going to be your best option.


The standard flat iron will be able to get the job done faster than the small iron, but not as quick as the large flat iron. This iron will still be able to work in tight places and make your hair look as perfect as you would like it to.

Large Size Flat Irons:

size flat ironsThis thick flat iron is for your longer tougher hair types out there.


Perfect for big barrel curls, although they may not hold all too well.


If you are a man and you have long thick gorgeous hair, then by all means, this is also the straightener for you.


Seriously, this is the worst iron to travel with. You’re better off with a standard flat iron if you are going to be traveling a lot.


This is the most time efficient flat iron you could have for longer and thicker hair than the usual hair types. The larger plate means it will cover more area of hair in a shorter amount of time.

Whatever flat iron you end up picking, I know it will be the best one for you and your hair. Good luck with finding your perfect flat iron and enjoy your styling adventures!
Be sure to share this article with your friends and family if they need helping figuring out what size flat iron they need as well.



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